Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


A little angel came to me,
Come my child said she,
And  I’ll set you free,
A feeling of sadness crept upon me
For leaving everyone close behind me
But as I tiptoed towards the light
She vanished in the daylight,
I thought I imagined this little girl and her little smile
So I closed my eyes and inhaled twice,
For I was frightened to be alive
In this cruel world which goes round and round..........

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


As I trail down the pathway,
We once walked,
My head spins and I’m in awe,
My heart stops and my body thwarts,
I still miss you from the inner core,
How I wish you were here and not gone,,
Everybody says let bygones be bygones,
But I keep holding on, hoping against all odds,
That this nightmare will disappear at dawn,
Though life sometimes feels like a bunch of thorns,
Yet your memories blossomed like a bunch of rose.

Saturday, October 06, 2012



So it begins
The tale of the handmaid and the fiery king...
Listen O child to your master's cry
As frantically he tries to  fight
Trying to burn down the light
But nothing seems to end his plight
For the fire has been lit...
Tossing and turning
Hardly able to sleep in
Lest he is haunted by dreams of his queen
Who turns to beggar in the morning.

Friday, October 05, 2012 Registered & Protected

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Aux  armes citoyens,
Car le monde nous appartient,
Ce n’est pas seulement le sien,
C’est le tien c’est le mien,
Nous l’avons usé, tué, désabusé.
Reliés par un fil invisible,
Nous avons  tous contribué,
A son lent décès.
La terre, notre terre suffoque,
Sa longue parure d’ozone a été trouée,
Ses arbres ont été déracinés,
Ses rivières polluées,
Le temps n’est plus clément,
Inondation, sécheresse, désertification,
Que de tourments !
Aux armes citoyens,  invitons le changement
Cessons la destruction, commençons la construction
On ne peut changer le passé
Mais on peut essayer de changer.
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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Yes we 've moved
Yes we've changed
We've gone our separate ways.....
We've lied we've cried
We've tried to live our lives
Yet part of us still remembers
That once we've been lovers...

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In the dark night,
shall  you come,
Dressed as a mighty knight
Waiting shall she be
To be  your bride......
Behind  the clouds shall shine the feeble light,
Bestowed upon you will be the moonlight...........
Run poor children  run for your lives............
Sad,hungry and tired shall you be tonight
But savor each moment in delight
For tomorrow might bring hues and plights..........

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A poem a day keeps all the worries at bay
A single prose says more than a rose
A lone tear reveals the broken's heart fear
A single smile makes one wanna go a mile
Life is never just or fair it is just being here...........

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